LIZZY BRODEN - Lizzy Borden

For 25 years the Greek heavy metal audience has been waiting impatiently for the coming of a Notorious band to walk any Greek stage and so it did, on December 15th, Lizzy Borden performed for the first time ever in Greece.
\r\nGiven this chance the previous day Metalzone’s Elena Mihailidou and Vassilis Mazaris got to talk to the man himself Lizzy Borden and boy what a talk it was. Lizzy talks about the way things have changed over the years. The feedback they got with their latest release Appointment With Death, their plans on an upcoming release, his co operation with their new guitarist, his ideas on releasing their appearances on Sweden Rock or Band Your Head in a DVD, their chances as video of the year in Head banger’s Ball and much more. Also we got Lizzy to tell us about how the scene is today compared to the 80s and how he feels about the internet. He also talks about co operations he would like to do in the future but also co operations he did in the past which didn’t exactly go the way he planned them….
\r\nWatch the Notorious Lizzy and be careful he might take your breath away!\r\n

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