

On Friday March 13th,’s Hellena Mihailidou had the chance to interview Sakis of Rotting Christ, and talk about the release of their new DVD “Non Serviam- A 20 year Apocryphal Story”.\r\n


\r\nSakis talks about the context of the DVD, how he feels after completing 20 years as a band with Rotting Christ, their extensive touring, their place at the moment but also his work on new material.
\r\nSakis feels he is a soldier of Metal, he has no regrets for his professional choices, he talks about the difficulties they faced since the 80s and how easy it was for them being called Rotting Christ, why they maintain their Greek identity and insist on their cultural identity.
\r\nWithin the interview you can also see a few brief expert s from the DVD and learn about how the new album is going to be…
\r\nWatch and find out what NON SERVIAM is all about- as a way of life\r\n

\r\nROTTING CHRIST Video Interview On

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