Crisis - Kill or Cure

Crisis - Kill or Cure

Metalcore, a genre that never liked nor I intend. The reason is simple. It doesn’t mame me feel something. The same riff all the time, no technical change that deserves attention, no solos, no a song introduction that would draw my attention. Just head banging. And if I want a really nice headbanging I will listen to "Slayer", to "Kreator", "Amon Amarth" and "At The Gates". 
However I must admit that the album’s cover and the covers of their previous releases are really good covers. At least that impressed me very much. As about the music....
The key word for me, that describes the album is monotony, since the album does not offer anything new, nothing different that we have listen from other metalcore bands. The disappointment is that the members are good musicians and composers, but they created an albums that lacks originality. The only track we can say that stands out is the "Kill of Cure" one, which is better than the rest, but only for a riff. The rest was purely predictable and moderate. 
The worst thing is the vocals. There is no diversity in the vocals and I think that with some clean vocals some parts of the songs would be heard better. The 47 minutes of the album seem like hours, a constant repetition desperately tiring. I do not want to admit it, but this review was pure a drudgery. Even my mother asked my: "Do you listen all the time the same song?".
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