\r\nTo set things straight from the very begining: The Haunted in 2011 are a completely different band than the one that released the self titled monster over ten years ago. Just letting you know. Now, truth is I want to avoid being labeled the classic stubborn metalhead that lives in the past and praises the good ol’ demo days of each band. I do not suffer from such things I can assure you..
\r\n The sight of a big The Haunted fan’s reaction when firstly listening to "Unseen" must be a hilarious one! If you thought the Dead Eye was different and a parenthesis for the beloved swedes’ discography you’re mistaken and in for a HUGE surprise! This is a whole new thing. But let’s take things from the begining. The dynamics have gone down the drain. The aggression that once characterised their music is reduced to zero. It’s actually boring. No nerve, no tight riffing to make you smile. Dolving’s voice is the only thing to remind the old days and that can be foumd on certain parts of the album. He sings in an entirely new voice for the most part of it. In my opinion if this album was coming from another band it would go unnoticed, lost in the mass.
\r\n Composition wise I find nothing to keep my interest on guard. I tried hard but in vein. Melodic choruses,vocals that while showing Peter’s evolution as a vocalist bring even Deftones to my mind and I’mnot saying this in a good way. The twins really impress me with how soulless their new guitar themes are...Damn it I found myself waiting for the album to end just in case I’d find something worth the time. To end this in heavy words: I think The Haunted should no longer release music under this name.\r\n


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\r\nGiannis rem3dy Nakos \r\n


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