Maim - From the Womb to the Tomb

Maim - From the Womb to the Tomb


\r\nMAIM ARE HERE \r\n


\r\nSwedish Deathsters Maim are here with their first album.Its the very first release for this band and they are now ready with their full length debute album that will lead you to old school Death Metal!! \r\n

\r\nTheir new work is called - From the Womb to the Tomb - and its a 9 track album

,full of 80’s like Death Metal with great songs and nice rotten vocals! The guitars are full of nice Death Metal riffs that combines old school themes with fresh air.The bass is very good and can be apreciated only in high volumes and the drummer is also very good with great techniques and old-school drumming.The vocals are great , dark and rotten with a lot of reverb and chaotic sound.The production reminds old Death Metal albums and i think that was the sound they wanted to create.The cover of the album shows a woman giving birth to a snake that goes inside a grave and its a great artwork that gives more Death-Gore attitude to the band. \r\n

\r\n-Maim- are here to shredd!! Their debute album - From the Womb to the Tomb - is a trip to the original old school Death Metal that combines Fast Death riffs with rotten atmosphere and reminds bands such as - Death(Scream Bloody Gore- era) , Autopsy , Grave , Asphyx but also Cannibal Corpse in some riffs.They were formed in 2006 but this year they made their very first album , so i can say that Sweden gave us one more great band.I am sure that they will release more great albums in the future. \r\n



\r\nEfkarpos \r\n



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