Mechanical God Creation - Cell XIII

Mechanical God Creation - Cell XIII

\r\nΤhe term "death metal " has been somewhat misunderstood these last years to the point of exploitation. So, you have all those wannabies that want to label their music death metal because it’s cool, macho or because they’re somehow impressed by this whole thing. Mechanical God Creation aren’t exactly that kind of a band but their ultra shinny sound does not indicate a band that feels...
\r\n I’m easily guessing they consider their female singer to be their biggets advantage. She is not bad at what she does, nore she is something unique though. So, this death metal, basically groovy with fast parts(I intentionally did not use the term blastbeats) aimed at the trendy ear of the kid that considers Arch Enemy to be a brutal band. There are uninspired riffs in quantities, some parts that can barely impress and lots, LOTS of plastic! In random parts within the album, our dearest vocalisti thows in some inhales a la Prostitute Disfigurement just in case any "true" death metaller gets an eyebrow lifted but in vein. I guess this has become some kind of fashion but its unnecessary use can only bring laughter.
\r\n Damn it, I really don’t want to be harsh on bands that ain’t truyl bad but I think tha the point nowadays is not fireworks wrapped beautifuly. There has to be passion in the air, creativity and not target group aimed songs. And like in the most mediocre releases you can find bits of good music and some interesting twists but you have to be..patient the least to say. MGC have released an album that will go unnoticed unless the singer starts taking off her clothes. They’re gonna need a lot more if they want to remain alive..\r\n


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\r\nGiannis Nakos
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