Nervecell - Psychogenocide

Nervecell - Psychogenocide

Ladies and gentlemen prepare yourselves for Nervecell’s attack in the near future. The guys are playing a heavy balled progressive thrash/death metal straight from Dubai of Arabian Emirates and this will break your ass down even better.
\r\nI will not say many things here. Bands from difficult countries like Emirates deserve a big chance just because they had the balls to manipulate the difficulties there and unleash their ideas through music. In cases like Nervecell here, i think they deserve to be in the lists of the top bands outhere because they are great. Accurate playing and an amazing production. Thrashy ideas performed in hatred and aggressive mood transforming the result to the death metal demon you will listen to. As for the death metal parts, the only thing i can say is that the riffs there will physically crash your ugly face in a nearby wall, in a great simplicity. Heavy bass guitar and hellish drumming. Vocals fitting the others’ ideas completing the aggressive parts. Tempo changes from slow death metal riffs to extreme speed boosts turning all of a sudden your psychosynthesis, so to break your enemy’s head in a heartbeat.
\r\nCheck them or go and drown yourself in the lake of gossip death metal for girls.
\r\nJohn "Inversed"\r\n

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