Hell United - Hornokracy

Hell United - Hornokracy


\r\nHell United exist enough years, but when they had been created they were named Eclypse. With such type of releases I do not like to say more details and the music that we have here is classic Polish Death Metal as that of Behemoth, Vader, Hate, Devian, Decapitated etc. Hornokracy is the debut album of the band under the name of Hell United and really reveals a group with appetite but also with a lot of talent. Their music is aggressive and extreme with the blast beats being the common characteristic and the speeds for being gone up in all the duration of the album. The compositions remind much of Vader, and in particular the work that has been done in the drums is almost similar with them. Regarding the vocals, Hell United are more close to Behemoth and this personally did not bother me at all. The guitars is a mixture of all the above groups and therefore each one can draw his conclusions. Hell United may have not created something new, but at least what they made can stand easily next to big band of their country. Finally we must say, that the production is much more than appreciable, something that makes the listening still more pleasant. That’s all!\r\n



\r\nVasilis Mazaris \r\n


\r\nTranslated by: Manos Maragos \r\n



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