There is a place we go, some times or more often, when little things\r\ndrop by just to say "hi", then situations change and everything as it\r\nused to be seems to be gone with the wind : this place is beyond and\r\nagainst, faraway too close, one footstep behind or miles away from home\r\n(i suppose again). It is above us or is it us who stand below it, no\r\nmatter how you name it, well, it keeps a distance, in between.
\r\nBetween two moments. Now and then, before and after. Present and Future. What happened, what occurrs. It is called Praxis.
\r\nPraxis,\r\nis a nice, cool place. But not always very friendly, at least not to\r\nall or all the way around. Depends on what you ’re looking for or at,\r\non how you see it, on how you treat or plan wishes to come true. But,\r\nit really depends on purpose. I mean, there are times when you do\r\nthings that easily can hurt people by accident. Well, in this case, the\r\nfar that you go is to a nice bar with nice music. And meet up. Because\r\nthings just happen. But, no, Praxis is not a coincidence. Not even a\r\nsymptoma in some weird parallel universe with a sick taste in humour...\r\n
\r\nIt is both the destination and a journey of one’s experience over someone else’s. Followed by will and inclination.
\r\nUsually\r\nit is connected with decisions, considerations, with the deepest\r\nthoughts (even the ones that are coming second), with the inmost\r\nfeelings, with the highly expressed emotions. And, by all that, with\r\nthe extended meaning of intentions.
\r\nIt is the place where the\r\nwords are only for souvenirs, even from places never been, and the\r\nground where all the roses grow: the roses of Love, or the flowers for\r\nthe funeral party. It is the high city where dreams live "happily ever\r\nafter’’, or die forever since : true life: takes actions and speaks up\r\nwith FACTS, not just spends time on the hypo8esis or assumes or\r\nimagines.
\r\nIn the Praxis there is something unique. First of\r\nall, there is no "if"… and secondly there should be no regrets, I’ m\r\nwarning you. I mean, it can take for someone 5 to 6 years to make the\r\nright decision, considering or let’s say imagining ’things’, travelling\r\nacross and over and all around and round and round, changing mind all\r\nthe time before taking a single step and walk on in; or it can only\r\ntake a simple moment to turn everything upside down, screw over, and\r\nvanish for good : the whole point, not only the view.
\r\nYou see, time is a proof. But, that is just another story or History.
\r\nPraxis\r\nis not a fucking playground where people play games without cause or\r\ncaution. However, regarded in theatrical terms, Praxis is each action\r\nevolved in the play that keeps rolling. I should mention though two\r\ngreat parts near to Praxis : first, best part, when curtains are lifted\r\nand last, when curtains are draw. What you hold back is the essence of\r\ntime either regained or wasted.
\r\nMatina Kountourogianni\r\n