\r\nThe slaughtering force from the Netherlands is back after a short break and ready to show the masses how real death metal is played. keep an eye open for a gig near your town cuz this is the real thing! growler Niels gives us an insight.
\r\nMetalzone:   Hey guys, welcome to Tell us a bit about your re-emerging. You had been silent for some time but now you’re here again, ready to chop limbs. What has the band been doing the last couple of years?
\r\nNiels:  Hailz Giannis! PD stopped playing for 2 years and that had a few reasons! We recorded our last album in april/may 2007 and was released in march 2008, because of this delay we had to cancel tours and tours we’re cancelled by the booking agency itself. Myself and Roel (guitar) where losing interest in the whole damn scene at that time and we couldn’t promote our new album so that was a reason for me/us to stop with PD.
\r\nMetalzone:   Your comeback was followed by a number of gigs and festival appearances. How was the response so far? Do you feel you lost ground or something? Is your fan base still around?
\r\nNiels:  Well, the response was good after the comeback and it’s good to see that there are still a lot of sicko’s out there who support us and for me it doesn’t feel we lost anything! Our madness continues… and I have a damn good line-up for that! People will feel/see and hear that PD is back!
\r\nMetalzone:   Was there interest for the band during that "dead" time? Prostitute Disfigurement has a unique style, there was noone to replace you! Were you motivated by someone in particular to mutilate again?
Niels:   There was enough interest in PD in our dead time and we have fresh blood in the band now so that feels good to start fucking up audiences again. I missed the sickness if I’m honest, only criminals/serial killers motivate me to go on with making this horrible music and vomiting out gruesome lyrics.
\r\nWe’re starting with writing new material and that will be a good mix of old and new PD.
   Descendants Of Depravity was released 2 years ago. Do you guys have new material for a new record and how was the response to that last album?
Niels:  Like I said we’re busy with new stuff now and hopefully we can record the new album in 2011.
\r\nThe response was good of the last album but off course the big issue was that I changed my vocals on the last album,the old fans hate it but there where a lot of people who said it was the best I ever did.
\r\nCheck us out live and you can see for your self that I still spit on people and vomit out my intestines like the early days! And what people think about me or PD I can’t really care!!! We do what we want and that’s making fucking death metal like its supposed to be, aggressive, full of hatred and sick as fuck!!!\r\n


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\r\nMetalzone:   To be honest, I love both vocal styles of PD, the squeals and the old school ones but the big question is: how will the new album sound like? more like Left In Grisly Fashion or are we still evolving?
Niels:  That’s hard to say at the moment but it will be more like a mix of the last 3 albums also the vocals!
\r\nI know for sure that it will be a sick album with over the top lyrics and artwork.
\r\nWe also had the idea to make a mini cd with music in the style of our first 2 albums really like the early days but we have to see if we’re going to do that and if we do I think the album will be banned.
\r\nWith titles like “rotting away is better than being gay” and “gay bar massacre” in the early days we got problems here and there but I love that to fuck up posers and trendy metal heads! Please commit suicide thats the best for all of us! And leave the true scene for what it is!
   Niels is back in action after departing from the band in 2003. Do you guys feel fresh like those early passionate days?
\r\nNiels:   For me it’s good that Niels van Wijk is back, I started the insanity with him in October 2000 and he knows how important the sickness must be in PD. Every lyric that I write has a special feeling for me.What people hate or what scares people that’s what I love and that’s what i live for.
\r\nLike I said before…the line-up we have now is damn good and they know what has to be done! Fucking up the world!!!
\r\nMetalzone:   Prostitute Disfigurement always stood out of the mass because of the outstanding guitar work that seperated them from the wall of noise created by the majority of the brutal death scene. What were your influences? Do you still listen to the underground scene and what is your opinion about it?
\r\nNiels:  Thanks a lot for your comment on this one!
\r\nThe reason for our sound that was Roel off course he only likes bands like Death.Carcass and Obituary.
\r\nHe didn’t like a lot of extreme acts and he liked to listen to rock, heavy metal, instead of the boring death metal bands nowadays and I totally agree with him! I am a real underground freak! I hate bands who try to invent a new sort of death metal and that kind of crap! Piss off!!! For me the scene feels dead, too much bands who just play music and that’s it!
\r\nWhat about the lyrics, concept of a band, the spirit in a band? When we play live then I really relive the experience of the song and the title track. The audience feels and sees that too.
\r\nMetalzone:   Have you had any interest shown by labels? Are you ready for a new era in the PD sickness?
\r\nNiels:   Well.. Not really but we are not searching at the moment, for us is the most important to start writing the new album and then we’ll see what happens. And yes we are ready! Believe me. we did a lot of sick shows and people showed up like years before so that’s a good boost for us! Hail to the gore hogs!!!
   And the last question is about the lyrics. Horror and applepies. Seen any new movies lately(news broadcast included) to push the limits further as far as lyrical inspiration is concerned?
Niels:    I’m not into new horror movies it’s all to plastic for me and really no atmosphere!
\r\nI like good old classics and the same for the music I listen too.
   That is all from me, thanx so much for sparing the time. Hopefully we’ll see you on greek soil one day..last words are yours to exploit:
Niels:   Hopefully we can attack Greece next year with a few shows!!!
\r\nHail to the true supporters of sickness!!! Only death is real!!!! Amen.\r\n


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