God Dethroned - Passiondale

God Dethroned - Passiondale

\r\nI wouldn’t believe that there is any fan of death metal scene who hasn’t heard of God Dethroned before.. Renewed as far as it concerns the new members of the band, they’re giving us a powerful comeback with their new album ’’Passiondale’’. Of course they know how to not let us down with their new effort since, they already know the way to compose a good melodic death metal album.. To be more specific..
\r\nWe’re talking about a great album. Of course we deal with brutal vocals, nice riffs and clever melodies. It’s not only about mosh-pit(of course there’s no lack of that either..). For those that they don’t know their biography, God Dethroned were formed back in 1991. Which means that they’re not still in the search of finding their style. They’ve created their sound a long time ago and they’ve gained a lot of fans all over the world. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have managed to cooperate with great bands of the scene such as Impaled Nazarene, Marduk, Immortal, Deicide and Nile..
\r\n’’Passiondale’’ happens to be one of the best albums that has been released so far. It reminds us the style of the beloved one ’’Ravenus’’. It’s the kind of music that has to be played live, that makes you wanna bang your head. It seems that the songs have been written with great feeling and not only as the songs that would be easily heard and would be hits just for some months. Maybe that has also to do with the new members that joined the band(Susan Gerl on guitar and Roal Sandlers on drums, who joins the band for the second time).
\r\nSo the band continues its carreer with great energy, knowing how to compose memorable riffs.. This album is something that you must have for sure, and believe me they won’t let you down. It will just remain in your cd player for a long time..
\r\nLina ’’Raivotar’’ Vitantzaki


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