Howl - Howl

Howl - Howl




\r\n-Howl- is the name of a new band from the U.S. that is now releasing their very first mini-cd through Relapse Records.The band plays a mix of Death and Doom Metal.\r\n


\r\nTheir new release has 3 full tracks that will lead you to slow Atmosphairic Death Metal passages with great riffs and melancholy melodies, thick bass and nice drumming.The vocals are in a slow rotten mood and the production of this mini-cd is perfect.The artwork on the cover is very good and it shows a skeleton with wings and flowers all over.\r\n


\r\n-Howl- are getting into music business with a lot of power.Their music is getting you in a labyrinth of metal melodies , slow tempos and atmospairic Death Metal vocals.They call it Labyrinth Metal and i am pretty sure every Death Doomster wants to enter it!!!\r\n


\r\nEfkarpos \r\n



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