TIME HAS COME - White Fuzz

TIME HAS COME - White Fuzz

When I got this promo I though “ well another mediocre metalcore release” and i have to admit that the front cover of the album really made me to underestimate these guys. But when the music came on , I really changed my mind.
\r\nTime Has Come with “White Fuzz” shows respect to the lengends of death metal of the 90’s. These guys equiooed themselves with influences  from “Florida Death Metal Scene” and especially Morbid Angel and some progressive elements straight out of Nocturnus’ masterpiece “The Key”. Adding some elements from Cannibal Corpse , some frozec black metal chords and vocals somewhere between Varg Vikernes and Mike Patton ones
\r\nReally “White Fuzz” is a musical experience for my ears and probably for yours also. This album features very complicated compositions, with many progressive and technical elements. “From girnd to blues rock” The production is flawless and some pchychedelic parts also exist. There is nothing more to describe. Just listen.
\r\nLampros Tennes\r\n

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