NACHTGESCHREI - Hoffnungsschimmer

NACHTGESCHREI - Hoffnungsschimmer

This is the first effort by German outfit Νachtgeschrei of Massacre Records and probably this is the best weather to hear such an album like “Hoffnungsschimmer”
\r\nMany folklore melodies with many parts that consisted of flutes and violin part with a “goth rock” attidute is the main ingredients of “Hoffnungsschimmer”
\r\nIn specific parts their music can be described as prog rock, but due too the misunderstandood meaning of the genre I’ll try to avoid such a comparison.
\r\nBe prepared not to hear something “unique” or “original” because the mand moves in more classic folk / prog compositions and they really did it great. The production is pretty good but the fact that the lyrics are in german will probably sound weird to some of us.
\r\nThe most of the guitar parts are on a clean guitar tone with the violins and flutes on the leading roles.
\r\nThis release is not for sure the most original album ever to be listened but is a vary good choice for the followers of that stream
\r\nLampros Tennes \r\n

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