Root - The Book

Root - The Book

A couple of days ago I ve been writing again a review for this band. Root hailing from Czech Republic, and this time I hate re released their album “The book” (1999). In this particular opus, Root left behind the black / death metal direction of their first releases and put in their music something that t can describe as dark epic metal. Root sounds like the band that played the Arcturus style of metal, before Arcturus emphasizing on their dark and “weird” style.
\r\nDuring the “The book” era, root added more acoustic parts, an epic atmosphere and many clean vocals. Chorus vocals with an intense feeling of lamentation and dark epic philosophy that creates a really eerie atmosphere.
\r\nI believe that “The book” is the perfect suggestion to listen in a dark and freezing afternoon…
\r\nLampros “Witchfynder” Tennes

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