Eryn Non Dae - Hydra Lernaïa

Eryn Non Dae - Hydra Lernaïa




\r\n-Eryn Non Dae - are back with their first full length album called - Hydra Lernaïa - released through Metal Blade Records.The band has released only one EP and now its their first time releasing an album through a record label.\r\n


\r\nThe album is a mix of Progressive/Death/Hardcore/Ambient and a lot of math-core influences.The guitars are full of complex riffs and nice melodies , the bass has very heavy sound and the drummer is ripping the drumset with a lot of great Progressive techniques.The vocals are in an Atmosphairic Death mood with a lot of power and screaming energy and the production of the album is very good.\r\n


\r\n-Eryn Non Dae- made an atmosphairic album that will take you into Modern Metal with their own personal taste.The album has a lot of great moments and a very good sound.You can feel your chest pounding from the heavy bass and your head will easy stuck into slow headbanging mode.A great release from France!!!\r\n


\r\nEfkarpos \r\n



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